Flowing Well

Flowing Well

Flowing WellFlowing Well Church, also known as the First Church of Christ Scientist in Troy, is the first religious building built by the larger organization that would eventually become The First Church of Christ, Scientist. It is located in Dyer St, Glenwood, AL 36034. Today, it is still the only temple built by this denomination in New York State. Before Flowing Well Church was constructed, services were held in homes or storefronts. Services were also held at several locations throughout Troy. In 1887, a new site for services was selected and a committee composed of local people was formed to find a suitable location. At an area called Glenwood Park (later Elmgrove), they found a natural spring running from one side of the park through to its other side. The name “Flowing Well” came from its appearance; water flowed out of the well with little effort and tumbled down a steep hillside to another section of the park below. The church purchased this property on June 11, 1888 for $800—a very rare occurrence at that time because land prices tended to be quite high in Troy at that time. After clearing trees and shrubbery away from the lot and making improvements such as grading and paving with gravel, carpenters began construction on August 6th that year under the leadership of carpenter William Sneddon and architect Thomas Hoggard Jr.

Why are Services at This Temple Out of Reach for Everyone?

Services at Flowing Well Church are limited to members of The First Church of Christ, Scientist. This is not a religious organization in general, but rather a specifically Christian Science denomination. The First Church of Christ, Scientist was founded in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote the Church Manual with the help of her daughter and a few others. Services at Flowing Well Church are held only on Sundays at 3:00 p.m. (all times listed are in Eastern Time). Members must apply for membership to attend services. Membership is open to those who are at least 18 years old and a parent or legal guardian must apply on the member’s behalf. Membership records are confidential.

The History of Flowing Well Church - Day One

On August 18th, 1888, carpenters began construction on the Glenwood Park property that would eventually become the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Troy. They built a simple, one-story building with a steep roof and a small bell above the front door. The building served as an assembly hall for the church and was used to hold Sunday services. The building was used during the day as a community center, and in the evenings, it was used for gatherings of the local Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDAs) and the Troy Musical Society.

The History of Flowing Well Church - Day Two

On Sunday, October 17th of that year, the congregation held their first religious service. About thirty people attended, including the pastor, William Sneddon (who had taken over from Dr. Allyn as the church’s first minister) and his wife, Mary Louise. Mary Louise Sneddon, a member of the society that would later become the Christian Science Church, had attended services at the Flour Mill in nearby Cohoes, NY and was excited to be a part of a newer, more modern church. The services that day included readings from the Christian Science Church Manual and Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

The History of Flowing Well Church - Day Three

On Sunday, November 7th, the congregation held their second service. They presented two sermons by William Sneddon, one on the subject of faith and the other on the subject of the origin of the human race. During the sermon on origin, Sneddon read from Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. This was likely a big deal because although Darwin’s work was well accepted in the scientific community, many Christian Scientists at that time were still trying to come to terms with the idea of evolution.


By the end of 1888, the church had grown to approximately thirty-five people and a new Sunday School building was under construction at the same time that a Sunday School room was being constructed inside the building. By 1889, the membership had grown to about sixty people, and a new church building was under construction in east Troy at First Street and Fourth Avenue. The new church building was completed in 1890, and the congregation moved in on Christmas Day of that year. Flowing Well Church was the first building built by the larger society that would eventually become The First Church of Christ, Scientist in New York.

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